Air Force Full Size Single Side For Frame (20"x 27 3/4")


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Made With Pride In:
West Texas USA
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  Two Options

  A) Sewn in the shape of the guidon. You mount on top of the mat

  B) Rectangular Piece of Fabric you mount under a mat that is cut in the shape of the guidon. Preferred Option for most frames shops


AFI 34-1201 9 JUNE 2017

Guidons are ultramarine blue nylon or wool bunting, swallow tailed, 1 foot 8 inches by 2 feet 3¾ inches to the end of swallow tail, and forked 10 inches. The Air Force yellow American bald eagle design appears on both sides of the guidon, appearing on the reverse as if printed through. Above the design is the designation of the parent unit and below is the designation of the squadron. When the number of the squadron and the parent unit are the same, the lower line indicates only the alphabetical portion of the squadron designation (for example: top line 4 MSG, bottom line MSS). Numerals and lettering are yellow and are 3½ inches in height, with varying widths. Authorized abbreviations may be used. Lettering and numerals appear on both sides of the guidon and read from left to right on both sides. Guidons are used by squadrons on all ceremonial occasions.

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